Monday, December 26, 2016

Sharpsville Area HS/MS Proud to Welcome NFBD

We are proud to announce that Sharpsville Area High School and Middle School will be welcoming NFBD to our campus on January 9, 2017 to share his message with our students. 

The mission of NFBD is to provide support and motivation for those looking to achieve their dreams and/or become happier. Never Fear Being Different, in the eyes of co-founders Rooney and David Wright, is a place for the voiceless to find a voice.

"We recognize the major obstacles that stand in the way of this are negativity from others, failure to positively respond to adversity, pressure to fit in, and fear of leaving their comfort zone. NFBD encourages individuals to shift their focus towards their goals and not let anyone or anything get in the way of what they truly want to do with their life."

NFBD has made its mark among local high school athletes in Lawrence County, but more than just athletes need to hear this message. 

Special thanks goes out to Sharpsville senior, Cameron Kruisselbrink for recommending this program. 

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